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Giftedness is part of our being and how we experience our world throughout our lifetime.  

SENG guides our gifted community to accept ourselves and feel balanced, happy, and at peace, leading to wellbeing and living a fulfilling life. ​

SENG is a nonprofit network of people who guide gifted, talented, and twice-exceptional individuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

Conferences in your region, online support groups, SENG Community Group Facilitator (SCG) training, Continuing Education courses, SENGinars and more! SENG has something for everyone.

Whether you're gifted yourself, a parent or caregiver of the gifted and twice-exceptional, an educator, or mental health professional, SENG membership has benefits for everyone. Check out our memberhip plans!

There are plenty of ways to get involved with SENG: volunteer, become a member, donate, attend an event, sit in on a SENGinar, or join a support group. Try us out today!

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