By Rianne van de Ven
Last year I became a certified SENG Community Group (SCG) Facilitator. SCG groups are a further development of the original SENG Parents Model Groups (SPMG), which were created by the founder of SENG, James Webb, to support parents of gifted children. This concept has evolved to support additional groups like educators, professionals, and ‘my crowd’ - gifted adults.
Part of becoming a licensed SCG Facilitator includes being part of a SCG for several sessions to experience what it is like to be part of such a group. The SCG I participated in included an international group of leaders in the gifted community. And what an amazing experience that was! I have been active as a professional working with and advocating for gifted adults for nearly twenty years. To share experiences, struggles and successes with other such dedicated professionals was very inspiring. The facilitators created a safe environment for us to have that shared experience.
Now I am a certified facilitator and soon I will start groups in the Netherlands, as well as other internationally across the European time zones. My staff will also be trained this year, so we can roll-out this concept to the Dutch gifted adults community. I highly recommend that gifted professionals in other countries become certified SCG Facilitators and organize groups in your regions. It brings such powerful experiences for both participants and facilitators and we strengthen gifted communities at the same time.
To participate in a group, please check this page. If you want to become a certified SCG Facilitator yourself after participating in a group, you’ll find all the information on this page.
Rianne van de Ven is a social entrepreneur specialized in gifted adults. After a career in Telecom, ICT, and banking, she started her own company as a professional coach in 2007. She works as an author, speaker, trainer, supervisor, and teacher on the subject of gifted adults. She started a second company where she provides professional services for gifted adults in the workplace together with 40 colleagues, both employed and freelance. She is the author of the book “Giftedness in practice. Strengthening personal leadership in gifted adults”.